Maëlle Salmon 🏠 🐦 ma_salmon
Licence CC-BY-SA
✨ Editorial bots generator coded in Ruby ✨
GitHub repository:
✨ Transparent, constructive, non adversarial and open review process of R packages✨
❄️ Specific R package checks;
❄️ Repositories transferred after approval;
❄️ Levels of minting in statistical software review (gold/silver/bronze);
❄️ Airtable database;
❄️ …
Every system is probably special, buffy is extensible! 🎉
In the “ropensci” branch of our buffy fork at :
Specific responders!
Responders documented at ReadTheDocs.
@ropensci-review-bot check package
by editors in the issue;
😅 Something like…
Assign reviewers by tagging in the issue with the following format:
Reviewer: @githubname1
Reviewer: @githubname2
Due date: YYYY-MM-DD
to 3/reviewers-assigned
once 2 reviewers are assigned.
@ropensci-review-bot assign @username as reviewer
😌 @ropensci-review-bot assign @username as reviewer
Easier to remember;
We can tweak what happens in the background!
Apart from Karthik Ram and Arfon Smith,
Juanjo Bazán, buffy developer 💎
Mark Padgham, rOpenSci Software Research Scientist.
All users = patient beta-testers of buffy! Package authors, reviewers, editors, rOpenSci community manager Stefanie Butland…
Upstream buffy’s docs;
rOpenSci dev guide;
Plans for rOpenSci statistical peer-review.
@ropensci-review-bot <do-something>
Meta (help, code of conduct);
Editorial management;
Review(er) management;
Package checking;
The reviews are written by humans!
Editors write comments personally thanking e.g. reviewers.
Out-of-scope decisions are also justified with a non automatic comment.
Direct communication with editors;
Release 0.7.0 of our dev guide!
@ropensci-review-bot thank developers & testers & today's audience
A very useful tool, less mental overhead and tedium!
More transparency!